Welcome to our Photo Gallery!!!
In this section you can find many photos of the Summer Course History.
From left to right: Julio Fernández (Course assistant), Prof. Thomas W. Chapman, Kathryn Devine, Catherine Jehring, Lisa di Cosola, Victor Chen, Laura Ellwein, José Berrueta (Lecturer), Monisha Shah, Christopher Hacker, Angela Posorske, To Cheung, Benjamin Sierra, Petersen Hasjim, Marcela de León, Parren McNeely, Dan Pierpoint, Joseph Rehbein, Jose R. Alvarez (Lecturer), Prof. José Coca.
From left to right: Back row: José Berrueta (Lecturer), Susana Luque (Lecturer), Andrew Tesene, Benjamin Lathrop, Kurt Bohnert, Wendy Gong, Timothy Cihlar, Prof. Charles G. Hill, Jr., Gretchen Weingarten, Katie Beckman, Peter Cielenski, Jonathan Owen, Prof. José Coca. Front row: Prof. Gordon Youngquist (Visiting from Iowa State Univ.), Ijen Suhendra, Breanna Gazella, John Jason Ries, Laura Goldsworthy, Ann Imsangjan, Erin Mehleis and José Ramón Álvarez (Lecturer).
From left to right: Back row: Susana Luque (Lecturer), Eric Dycus, Fernando Díez (Lecturer), Ken Jones, José Berrueta (Lecturer), Matthew Dow, Meghan Roach, Allan Smith, Prof. José Coca, Benjamin Lawnicki, Laurie DeGeus, Brendan McMenomy, Zornitza Krasteva, Eric Johnson, Michael Bond, Amy Karlsson, Lena Belkin, Dorene Kent, Prof. Peter Reilly (Iowa State University), Maria Meisch, Prof. Thatcher Root (University of Wisconsin-Madison). Front Row: Salvador Ordóñez (Course assistant), Constantine Khripin, Siak Meng Ho, Elisa Cree, Amber Weiers, Amanda Walker, Lewis Orchard, Laura Jones, Tony Petersen, Brian Eppstein, José Ramón Paredes (Course assistant), José Ramón Alvarez (Lecturer). Not shown (still working in the computer room): Michael Simurdiak.
From left to right: Back row: José Berrueta ( Lecturer ), Prof. Charles G. Hill ( University of Wisconsin-Madison ), Greg Kreitzer, Laura Itzkowitz, Adam Meuler, Bryan Ulatowski, Nick Chojnowski, Adam Kania, Scott Paap, Marty Glynn, Joe Kreuser, José Manuel Benito ( Lecturer ), Jess Schmidt, Tim Bushaw. Middle row: Kelly Holz, Theresa Foley, Sarah Quesnell, Toni Kirby, Erin Denefe, Prof. José Coca ( Lecturer) , Cassie Schafer, Melissa Swarts, Drew Richardson, Heather Endres, Silvia Álvarez ( Lecturer ), Lisa Armfield, Prof. Kenneth Jolls ( Iowa State University ), Susana Luque ( Lecturer ). Front row: Salvador Ordóñez ( Lecturer ), Jenna Balestrini, Sara Assarattanakul, Víctor M. Domínguez ( Course assistant ), Tomy Widya, José Ramón Paredes ( Course assistant ), José Ramón Alvarez ( Lecturer ). |
From left to right: Back row: Prof. Kenneth Jolls (Iowa State University), Robert Flores, Matthew Sutton, Brian Weber, Johnathan Gorke, Nicholas Conner, Michael O'Doherty, Andrea Meyer, Salvador Ordóñez (Lecturer), and José Berrueta (Lecturer). Middle row: Susana Luque (Lecturer), Fernando Díez (Lecturer), José Manuel Benito (Lecturer), Omar González, Amy Swanson, Paula Colmenares, Amy Radermacher, Kimberly Carlson, Kathryn Roever, and Jiahui Diana Wong. Front row: Prof. Charles G. Hill (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Jon Kuchenreuther, John Schmitz, Bret Wagner, Kelly Timmerman, Brian McCall, John Boyd, José Ramón Paredes (Course assistant), and José Ramón Alvarez (Lecturer).
From left to right: Back row: Salvador Ordóñez (Lecturer), Miguel A. González (Course assistant), John Schmidt, Patrick Harrington, Adam Roth, Gunawan Tjahjono, Siu Fung Leung, Patrick McMullen, Suzan Cox, Andrew Kotecki, Ryan Myhre, Matthew Tobelmann, Matthew Roby, Luke Brubaker, Prof. Rafael Chavez (Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Prof. Kenneth Jolls (Lecturer, Iowa State University). Front row: José Berrueta (Lecturer) Susana Luque (Lecturer), Kara Paquette, Aditya Surjosantoso, Chase Beisel, Jeanna Penley, Elizabeth Manor, Prof. José Coca (Lecturer), Amber Barnes, Martina Carbone, Michelle State, Douglas Betts, Matthew Porter, Lauri Frankowski, Benjamin Lowerre, José Ramón Alvarez (Lecturer) -in front of Benjamin- and Fernando Díez (Lecturer).
2005 |
2006 |
From left to right:
Back row: Miguel González (Lecturer), Jummy Alowonle, Steve Hankey, Salvador Ordóñez (Lecturer), Erin Bell, John Kisner, Marty Gran, Brent Lemberg and Michael Jehring.
Middle row: Susana Luque (Lecturer), Fernando Díez (Lecturer), Susie Fitzenberger, Jane Wardhana, Audrey Salazar, Mahriah Alf, Brionne Helm, Nate Wucherpfenning, Lindsay Frerichs, Laura Phillips, Prof. Thatcher Root (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Leah Moeller, Prof. Kenneth Jolls (Iowa Stata University) and José Ramón Álvarez (Lecturer).
Front row: Eva Díaz (Lecturer), Stephanie Budijono, Gabriela Niño, Lanaire Timcke, Josephine Moh, Amy Huchthausen, Alice Keene, Andrea Stransky, José Berrueta (Lecturer), Matthew Shultz, and Prof. José Coca (Course Director)
From left to right:
Back row: Susana Luque (Lecturer), Salvador Ordóñez (Lecturer), Lindsay DeWitte, Aaron Handrick, Megan Selheim, Krystal Garringer, Jorge Almodóvar, Sarah Roemer, Mike Melbye, Matt Van Straten, Peter Piotrowski, David Gall, Joe Costanzo, Kevin Radle, Russell Wiltse and Prof. Kenneth Jolls (Lecturer, Iowa State University).
Front row: Eva Díaz (Lecturer), Prof. Fernando Díez (Lecturer), Michelle Kozmik, Catherine Kolb, Amber Janda, Christine Quadracci, Jenny Bubolz, Prof. José Coca (Lecturer), Irene Chen, Luis Petersen (Assistant), Terri Russo, Andrew Au, Katie Gidlewski, José Berrueta (Lecturer), Prof. Charles G. Hill Jr. (Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Madison) and José Ramón Álvarez (Lecturer)
From left to right: Back row: Prof. Fernando Díez (Lecturer), Prof. Kenneth Jolls (Lecturer, Iowa State University), Salvador Ordóñez (Lecturer), Andrea Lowe, Nicolo Davidson, William Gibbons, Rizal Ong, Andrew Bruss, Jordan Weiland, Stephen Goetz, Keenan Deutsch, Andrew Yongky and José Ramón Álvarez (Lecturer).
Middle row: Melanie Goering, Eva Díaz (Lecturer), Stephanie Kirtiadi, Korin Reid, Andrew Steiner, Amanda Bylow, Prof. José Coca (Lecturer), Megan Baker, Christine Westgate, Latrisha Petersen, Calista Saville, Melissa Schraufnagel, Susana Luque (Lecturer) and Prof. Charles G. Hill Jr. (Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Front row: Jeffrey Shoemaker, Andrew Glowacki, Lara Alowonle and Blake Johnson
From left to right: Back row: José Ramón Álvarez (Lecturer), Fernando Díez (Lecturer), Eva Díaz (Lecturer), Salvador Ordóñez (Lecturer), Eric Roman, Jonathan Konen, Anton Mlinar, Jeremy Pace, Eric Pacquette, Michael Fritz, Corey Skadahl, Brian Roth, George Bohnert, Alex Carlson, Prof. Kenneth Jolls (Lecturer, Iowa State University), Prof. Charles G. Hill Jr. (Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Susana Luque (Lecturer). Front row: Katie Smith, Meredith Little, Shanta Pandian, Eric Vita, Prof. José Coca (Lecturer), Nathan Gallert, Scott Pockat, Matthew Clark, Aaron Eernisse
From left to right: Back row: Dr. Salvador Ordóñez (Lecturer), Thilina Weerasekera, Patrick Manning, Brett Fritze, Adam Crim, Philip Angart, Shaun West, Dr. Pablo Marín (Lecturer), Paul Dietrich, Dr. Eric Codner (Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Madison ), Ryan Whitney, Prof. Ken Jolls (Lecturer, Iowa State University ). Front row: Dr. Eva Díaz (Lecturer) , Elif Eda Miskioglu, Megan Doyle, Holly Pasieka, Gregory Kokke, Prof. José Coca (Lecturer), Kelsey Feragen, Allison Wilson, Hsien-Na Chu, Heidi Mielke, Tracy Grenfell, Dr. Fernando Díez (Lecturer).
From left to right: Back row: Prof. José Ramón Álvarez (Lecturer), Mr. Emilio Muñoz (Assistant), Sam Dalsin, Jessica Tobelmann, Christopher Arena, Meghan Babcock, Jonathan Ladwig, Kaitlin Murphy, William Edwards, Paul Perkins-Mcintosh, Patrick Hermiston, Steven Nystrom, Catherine Ford, Dr. Pablo Marín (Lecturer), Alyssa Fenske, Prof. Kenneth Jolls (Lecturer, Iowa State University). Front row: Prof. Rafael Chávez. (Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Madison), Prof. Salvador Ordóñez (Lecturer), William Ho, Timothy Sita, Julia Wiggen, Kelsey Kornaus, Courtney Barnes, Prof. Susana Luque (Lecturer), Jenae Baumert, Jennifer Kay, Ann Wymore, Erwin Columbus, Lisa Burdette, Sonja Belgrade, Josephine Lembong, Candice Swift, Prof. Fernando Díez (Lecturer), Dr. Eva Díaz (Lecturer).
From left to right: Back row: Prof. Rafael Chávez. (Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Madison) Prof. Salvador Ordóñez (Lecturer), SeongtaekBpang, Karl Chan, William Lohry, Yi Chen, Nelson Chan, Jake Hemberger, Sarah Steffen, Courtney Crego, Christopher Pedersen, Nicole Larson, Mazdak Mina, Joseph Field, Sharveenkumar Lokanathan, Prof. Kenneth Jolls (Lecturer, Iowa State University) , Dr. Pablo Marín (Lecturer) Front row: Mr. Emilio Muñoz (Assistant), Prof. Fernando Díez (Lecturer), Prof. Susana Luque (Lecturer), Dr. Eva Díaz (Lecturer), Raffi Tashjian, Shuting Zhang, Michelle Wallace, Tessa Chia, Leonel Nguedon, Cody Berra, Jessie Dowding, Prof. José Coca (Lecturer), Sue-Zanne Tan, Thomas Langel, Steven Hadiwinata, Daniel Livermore, Yuxuan Chong, Prof. José Ramón Álvarez (Lecturer)
From left to right: Back row: Prof. Ross Swaney (Lecturer), Prof. Salvador Ordoñez (Lecturer), Mitchel Grundmeier, Ryan Ayer, Jordan Kutil, Mario Peralta, Eric Grinde, Jordon Platte, Mason Bieker, Nikhil Sha, Matthew Oberhofer, Nathan Hobbs, Joseph Mead, Daniel Scifo, Dr. Pablo Marín (Lecturer), Dr. Gemma Gutiérrez (Assistant). Front row: Prof. José Ramón Álvarez (Lecturer), Prof. Fernando Díez (Lecturer), Bi Liu, Xiong Xiong, Jaclyn Buffo, Shifan Mao, Justene Anderson, Matthew Ellis, Wendy Wigstrom, Meredith Gibson, Amanda Stevermer, Erin Claeys, Abby Jensen, Nickolas Abramovich, Amber Hilderbrand, Prof. Kenneth Jolls (Lecturer), Prof. Susana Luque (Lecturer) |
From left to right: Front Row: Course assistant Maria Matos (UO), Course assistant Gemma Gutiérrez (UO), Prof. José Ramón Álvarez (UO), Ernesto Chavez (UW), Cassie Perttula (UW), Alma Marquez (ISU), Shannon Winchester (ISU), Nitya Ramaswami (ISU), Eric Lewandowski (UW), Aleah Hinsch (ISU), Prof. José Coca Prados (UO), Alec Slungaard (UW), Dixon Halim (UW), Prof. Ken Jolls (ISU), Prof. Susana Luque (UO), Prof. Rafael Chávez (UW). Middle Row: Taylor Tomlinson(ISU), Yaming Jiang (UW) Marissa Kruse (ISU), Ian Anderson (UW), Christopher Jacobs (ISU), Peter Holmes(UW), Marcus Gilles (UW), Prof. Pablo Marín (UO). Back Row: Prof. Fernando Diez (UO), Prof. Salvador Ordóñez (UO), Prof. Charles Glatz (ISU), Mark Schrimpf (UW), George Guo (UW), August Larenzie (ISU), Mark Deaton (ISU), Michael Luc (UW), Tim Sullivan (UW), Trevor Tietgen (UW). |
From left to right: Front Row: Prof. Fernando Diez (UO), Prof. José Coca (UO), Prof. Susana Luque (UO), Rose O´Donnell (UW), Laura Lang (UW), Tobias Rains (ISU), David Nguyen (ISU), John Caputo (ISU), Andrew Lasch (ISU), Qin Lu (UW), Zehua Xu (UW), Juyoung Kim (UW), Matthew Oxley (UW), Prof. José Ramón Álvarez (UO). Back Row: Prof. Rafael Chavez (UW), Course assistant Dr. Maria Matos (UO), James Buchen (UW), Michael Klapper (UW), Charles Johnson (UW), Clinton Heckner (UW), Jonathan Witlow (ISU), Jun Kuang (UW), Kevin Fu (UW), Mengxuan Shi (UW), Chase Christensen (UW), Prof. Charles Glatz (ISU), Prof. Salvador Ordóñez (UO), Dr. Gemma Gutiérrez (UO). Not shown in picture: Dr. Pablo Marín (UO). |
From left to right: Front Row: Prof. José Ramón Álvarez (UO), Prof. Fernando Diez (UO), Kathryn Cooley (ISU), Mariana DeOliveira Gama (UW), Caitlyn Herndon (ISU), Deanna Lynne Clark (ISU), Audrey Wallace (ISU), Prof. Rafael Chavez (UW), Prof. José Coca (UO), Prof. Stephanie Loveland (ISU), Katherine Marie Neshek (UW), Jessica Bangen (ISU), Cheryl Ann Salmonson (UW), Tiffany Lam (ISU), Emily Marie Gasteyer (UW), Madeline Marie Mead (UW), Prof. Salvador Ordoñez, Dr. Pablo Marín (UO), Prof. Susana Luque (UO). Back Row: Course assistant Dr. María Matos (UO), Connor Firth (UW), Brian Henry Smith (UW), Thomas Michael Stadelman (UW), Philip Stephen Hansen (UW), Richard Thomas Keegan (UW), Jack Poppenberg (ISU), McKenzie Veith (ISU), Isaac Almquist (ISU), Mitchell Irlmeier (ISU), Tyler Smith (ISU), Ryan Hill (ISU), Tyler Smith (ISU), Charles Paul Coogan (UW), Erin Lindsay Daul (UW), John Rudolph Kloos (UW) |